I couldn't resist doing a little more with RPy and the R ape package. I used our standard tree file. The code listing is below. I am quite pleased with the results. With this in hand, it will be nice to look more at the ape book, which I already have.
In the first section we do our imports, and get the R object 'T' (True), because I couldn't get True or 'True' to work as a direct argument to the plot function. We also read the tree file. Next, I demonstrate the form of the ape function
, which is very useful, but I don't show results or a plot here.In the third part, I define a function to return a list of colors based on the names of the external nodes, and then later convert that to an appropriate R object. This is what had me so frustrated when I first tried
.In the last part, we do the plot to a pdf file. The
argument is important, that's how we stretch out the plot along the x-axis to make enough room for the names. Two separate calls after plot show the internal node labels, and the x-axis values.I agree this is really powerful. The best part is that for someone like me, when you have trouble doing something in R, you can drop into Python without a problem. It's easy when you know how!
One more thing, Laurent Gautier is big in RPy, and one of his interests is Bioconductor. That project is the reason I got into R in the first place. It'll be fun to explore that in the future.