I'd like to compare the results of my own neighbor-joining script to standard methods such as Phylip, ape, and PyCogent. In initial comparisons,
I thought it would be interesting to see if there are any differences observed in the tree if we use a different input order of species. We could use Python to rewrite the data file to change to a specific order, but as a simpler test we'll just let Phylip randomize it for us. After getting the kinks out, we do 50 reps, calling
as a process (just like here). One wrinkle: the process returns faster than the file write from Phylip, so we have to wait a second before trying to do anything with the files ourselves.The data for Phylip look like this (note requirement for 10 characters on each line preceeding the distances, and a count for the otus on line 1):
As a bonus, I asked PyCogent to compare the topology of all the resulting trees, but no differences were found. And then, we plot the first one with