I made a stab at building EMBOSS
According to the adminguide, it requires zlib and libpng as well as gd. Since EMBOSS is set up for Linux, I will probably have to edit the config file to show where these libraries are on my machine.
I installed zlib and libpng to get matplotlib up and running (according to Gavin Huttley's wiki instructions).
Let's get gd. Downloaded gd-2.0.35.tar.gz from this page. According to the readme, it's the usual:
(using sudo). And it has a problem:
It seems to be related to a library called Fontconfig.
Get fontconfig-2.8.0.tar.bz2 from here. According to INSTALL do:
but it fails because there is no configure, why not? From a web search it seems that
autoconf processes configure.in to produce a configure script
so I try this:
and then do as before:
It looks like I'm supposed to use autoconf, but first I have to fix the above error.
After another web search, try adding this to configure.in
autoconf goes fine. Now:
And I'm stuck. You can't feed fontconfig to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.No EMBOSS for me, it seems.
[UPDATE: I found instructions for installing GD here. It turns out I already had /usr/X11R6/include/fontconfig. The test of GD looks fine.
Followed simple instructions for EMBOSS and did:
And after searching around for 10 minutes I finally ran:
Now I have a window to play with (graphic at top of post)! ]