I decided to try MacPorts, but ran into some problems that aren't solved yet. I thought maybe it would make it easier to install SciPy. (Yes, I know I've already got it installed). I used the MacPorts installer first and then tried working on Python first and afterwards SciPy.
MacPorts wants you to keep everything separate, so for example, I need a different Python installed by them. The first weird thing is they came up with numerous dependencies for Python, which I never heard of. One of those (db46) failed because I didn't have the very latest Java installed. So I (re) registered as a Developer, and got that from Apple:
Wow. Scroll that out there to see them all. It's a long list.
Two strange things: in the middle of doing Python 2.7 it downloaded and built Python 2.6! And...
(It took a very long time). What is harder to believe? That Facebook is a mirror for gnu, or that these guys want to install GCC 4.4.5? Well, they did. Next up: SciPy. And of course, there is no package for Python 2.7, only 2.6!
A really stupid but quite common problem. The md5 checksum in the portfile equals the md5 checksum of the previous version of lapack(3.2.2). So I started reading the guide, and figured out how to deal with the issue. I downloaded the original software using curl to maintain it as a .tgz:
computed various checksums
Followed the instructions:
Make a copy of the Portfile you wish to modify; both files must be in the same directory, though it may be any directory.
And now MacPorts unpacks the thing, but the build fails later:
I haven't solved that yet. And that seems to be a weakness of what looks like a pretty sophisticated system. How would you specify that it use a previous version of LAPACK?