- (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key
This method
"Returns an array containing the results of invoking valueForKey: using key on each of the receiver's objects."The example is to make an array containing all the values obtained for a given key. The objects could be custom objects, dictionaries or whatever. Another answer says to do it by using the function below on an NSArray of objects:
- (id)valueForKeyPath:
as in:
[people valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfObjects.state"]
It wasn't clear to me how one would know that. It's not listed under the NSArray documentation. And what is this
thingie? Ah...it is added under KVC."Array operators allow you to specify operations to be performed on a collection's items using a key path of the form keyPathToArray.@operator.keyPathToProperty."
Next time I want the object in an array with the maximum value for a particular key, I'll have to remember to use