import sys, random, time
rows = [ [0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8] ] cols = [ [0,3,6], [1,4,7], [2,5,8] ] diags = [ [0,4,8], [2,4,6] ] corners = [0,2,6,8] all = rows + cols + diags
def printBoard(bL): print for i,e in enumerate(bL): if i and not i % 3: if i == 3: print ' 1 2 3' elif i == 6: print ' 4 5 6' if e: print e + ' ', else: print '. ', print ' 7 8 9' print def openCorners(bL): rL = list() for i in corners: if not bL[i]: rL.append(i) return rL
def askPlayer(bL): played = [i+1 for i,s in enumerate(bL) if s] nogood = played p = 'Please pick a valid move,\n' p += 'or q(quit) or r(reset) -> ' s = raw_input(p) while True: if not s or s == '\n': print '\nNo input' print 'Sorry that move is no good :(\n' s = raw_input(p) continue if s[0] in ['q','Q']: sys.exit() if s[0] in ['r']: runloop() try: i = int(s) except ValueError: print 'Sorry that move is no good :(\n' s = raw_input(p) continue if i in nogood: print 'Sorry that move is no good :(\n' s = raw_input(p) continue if not s in nogood: break print "You picked move = ", s return s
def testWinner(bL): # also draw if bL.count(None) == 0: print 'Draw' return 'N' for line in all: values = [bL[i] for i in line] if values.count('P') == 3: print 'You won! :)' return 'P' elif values.count('C') == 3: print 'I win. Sucks to be you :)' return 'C' return None
def whoCanWin(bL,who='C'): rL = list() for line in all: vL = [bL[i] for i in line] if vL.count(None) == 1: if vL.count(who) == 2: rL.append(line) return rL
def pickComputerMove(bL): L = whoCanWin(bL,who='C') # computer if L: for i in random.choice(L): if not bL[i]: return i L = whoCanWin(bL,who='P') # player if L: print "Player has a winning move in", print [i+1 for i in L[0]] for i in L[0]: if not bL[i]: print "returning ",i return i
if not bL[4] and random.random() < 0.8: return 4 # "usually" pick open center L = openCorners(bL) if L: return random.choice(L) return random.choice( [i for i,e in enumerate(bL) if not e])
def computersTurn(bL): time.sleep(0.5) # I'm thinking, OK? i = pickComputerMove(bL) print "Computer picked move = ", i+1 bL[i] = 'C' #------------------------------------------
def runloop(): bL = [None] * 9 printBoard(bL) while True: s = askPlayer(bL) bL[int(s)-1] = 'P' printBoard(bL) if testWinner(bL): break computersTurn(bL) if testWinner(bL): break printBoard(bL) print '\nWant to play again?' runloop() runloop() |