Let's start by putting some data into a file. We can use the command
and the `>` redirection operator. Take a look at what's there with cat
:Suppose we wish to move this file to a new sub-directory. First we construct the new directory and then we move the file with
:Let's make the file `x.txt` actually do something, e.g.:
Note that we wrote over the previous contents of
and the file system did not warn us first. There is no way to recover from this if it was a mistake!The
command executes the text in the file you give it; in this case the output is familiar. Normally, we'd probably use the file extension .sh
for such a script, but it's not required. (Even with Python scripts, the .py
extension is only required if you want to import a module).We can also use the she-bang thing (#!) to make the code in a file executable. Use TextEdit to save the following code in a file y.txt on the Desktop:
Then we do the following. An executable can be executed just by entering its path, but.. there is a restriction that you can't do that for a program in the current directory. You must specify it as the relative path from the directory where we are currently
where the `.` means this directory (the restriction has never made a lot of sense to me either, but it's apparently a security hole):What has happened? We need to make the file "executable" by setting the "permission bits." Without getting into too much detail, these are output using a new option with the
command:The three permissions are r (read), w (write) and x (execute), listed in order for the user, her group, and the world. 7 is all of them. `x` is 1, `w` is 2, `r` is 4, and the combinations result from addition.
There are various shorthands for this. First reverting the previous change, then we could do this:
We have given the user (only) permission to execute the file.
When we do
on the Desktop directory (above), we get a listing for both the temp
sub-directory and the file. Note that the first character in the "file mode" is d
for the directory. staff
is my group name, and after that comes the number of bytes in each "file", including directories.From
man ls
The Long Format
If the -l option is given, the following informa-
tion is displayed for each file: file mode, num-
ber of links, owner name, group name, number of
bytes in the file, abbreviated month, day-of-
month file was last modified, hour file last mod-
ified, minute file last modified, and the path-
name. In addition, for each directory whose con-
tents are displayed, the total number of 512-byte
blocks used by the files in the directory is dis-
played on a line by itself, immediately before
the information for the files in the directory.
If the file or directory has extended attributes,
the permissions field printed by the -l option is
followed by a '@' character. Otherwise, if the
file or directory has extended security informa-
tion (such as an access control list), the per-
missions field printed by the -l option is fol-
lowed by a '+' character.
And finally, ls also has a recursive option, which can be grouped into
:Let's continue by copying this file into our
directory:On the other hand,
actually "moves" the file:Once again, note the lack of warnings. The old copies of
on the Desktop (and in temp
) are gone forever.Eventually, we tire of this. First we try to delete a single file:
But maybe
has lots of files, so we try:The `-r` option is really dangerous. The classic Unix "joke" is to tell someone to do some combination of
and -r
and *
. Don't fall for it.You might think about looking at the
page for rm
and maybe using the -i