XgridLite is available here. It is a preference pane or plug-in for System Prefs.
We'll use it to change the passwords that the controller requires from the client and agent. The client-controller password is in:
I changed it to 'abcd' using XgridLite.
Let's see what we have:
use the Finder getInfo to change permissions on the file.
run the pw.script.py from yesterday on it
That looks right. What's in the file is an XOR of the key and 'abcd'.
It works! So, I guess I just screwed it when I tried it yesterday. Now, go back to XgridLite and change the agent-controller password to 'wxyz'.
change permissions and examine it:
That looks right.
Different pid as expected, since we told XgridLite to restart the controller in order to make the password change effective:
And it hangs... Go back to XgridLite and change the agent password back to 'mypw'. It still hangs...
Grab a text copy of the manual (without repeats of some characters---what is that about?)
That looks like we are hooked up properly...
Try cp:
And now it works.
XgridLite is described as open-source. I'll have to grab a copy of the source and figure out what it's about. In any event, the most likely explanation seems to be that the controller should provide the agent-password to the agent, and it is either not doing that, or the agent is improperly using the password it requires, when it authenticates with the controller. Just a guess.
However, that doesn't explain why the reset using XgridLite failed. But perhaps I screwed up (<sigh> again).