I'm trying to understand the exponential density better. In example 2.17 of the book they pose the problem of modeling the time-to-breakdown of a hard drive by the exponential density:

If the average time-to-breakdown is 30 months, and we have already run the computer for 15 months with no breakdown, what is the current expected time-to-breakdown?
We use R to explore the question. The R function rexp gives random samples from the exponential density with a rate parameter r (the inverse of lambda above). Think of each of these as a possible lifetime for our drive. Since we know that the lifetime exceeds 15 months, filter the vector x for values > 15 and save in y.
Plot histograms of the density (not counts, which R calls freq).
It is clear that the y distribution is the same as x, just shifted over by 15.

We confirm this by looking at summary statistics (adjusting y first by subtracting 15). We see they are essentially identical: