Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Swift talks to Objective C

I am back brushing up on Objective C and Cocoa, and now working on Swift.  It is supposed to be easy to integrate Swift code with an Objective C project, but I found it difficult.  So as I've done before, I've cooked up a working example that is as simple as it could possibly get.  I thought I would post a writeup on Dropbox.

It is here.  (It's a pdf printed from Sphinx html).  The original will be on github soon.  Good as long as Dropbox yet lives.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Still kicking

I have an online persona on another site.  Looks like this:

You can find the attribution here.

Anyway, that version of me shows a quote (maybe Descartes?):  "if I can still compute, I'm not dead yet!"  So, anyway I'm still computing and I'm not dead yet.  I have various projects on github which you can find under my username (telliott99), including a basic review for Java, a little bit of Crypto, and my old book on Python.